China Airlines Dynasty Lounge @ Narita International Airport, Tokyo Japan

China Airlines Dynasty Lounge @ Narita International Airport, Tokyo Japan

China Airlines Dynasty Lounge @ Narita International Airport, Tokyo Japan

If you board on China Airlines from Narita International Airport, you need to go to terminal 2.
So the lounge of China Airlines is also located the terminal 2.
Leave the departure office and move to the left. When you get off the escalator, you can find the lounge.

It’s not so big lounge but you’ll be able to sit unless it’s a busy season.
The view from the window seats cannot seen so much airplanes because it’s not the part of the parking lot.

These photos are about the foods which served. Besides these, there are rice balls so on.

To the satellite…

Mainly, China Airlines flights depart from the building apart from the immigration office, which is called “satellite”, maybe.

So it will take you so much time to reach out the gate. Be careful of the time.

Previously, to go to the satellite, the passengers rode the monorail before, but currently you ride on a moving walkway.
You can enjoy seeing a variety of planes.

Please read also this article written in Japanese, if it possible.


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